Nondiscrimination Statement

Our Values

Equal Opportunity/Equal Access Employer

Center for Disability Rights is an equal opportunity/equal access employer. A diverse work force that is representative of our local communities, and able to relate to the cultural practices and needs of the people we serve is our ideal. As a Center for Independent Living that is at the forefront of promoting the inclusion of people with disabilities, we voluntarily follow the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and the 2008 amendment, Title I Employment. Throughout the entire employment process (application, hiring, training, employment, benefits, promotions, and termination), CDR will remove barriers and provide reasonable accommodations to all otherwise qualified persons who can perform the essential functions of the job they are applying for or the position that they are working in.

Statement of Non-discrimination

Center for Disability Rights is at the fore-front of civil rights for all people regardless of race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, or disability. As such, CDR does not discriminate in any of its programs , activities, or services. All are welcome!

For persons with disabilities, CDR will remove barriers that prevent participation in its programs, activities, and services, and provide accommodations so that the access of a person with disabilities is as good as a person without disabilities.

CDR will not tolerate discriminatory behavior or actions by any of its staff, Board members, members and consumers. Any person engaged in CDR programs, activities, or services who exhibits devaluing, demeaning, or threatening behavior or speech toward any person because of his/her race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, or disability will be asked to cease immediately, and may be asked to leave or have services withdrawn if the behavior is repetitive or threatens the immediate safety of anyone.

CDR will actively seek to employ employees and contract with business contractors and subcontractors who are members of a protected class of people.