Dear Neighbor,
We are closing in on the deadline to apply for heating assistance. If you are eligible for home heating assistance, this program is here to help you and your family stay warm.
The general deadline for applications is May 1, 2018, however eligible households that are subject to a shut-off notice by a utility for heating bills have an extended deadline of May 15.
Basic benefit awards are determined based on income, household size, vulnerability (eg. families with children or seniors) and liquid assets. Vulnerable households and households with the lowest incomes receive the highest awards.
Follow this link for benefit eligibility.
The state Department of Social Services and the Community Action Agencies work in conjunction with local governments, private human services providers and the General Assembly to assist Connecticut residents who are CEAP-eligible in maximizing potential energy assistance options.
Those seeking heating assistance should call 2-1-1 or visit this link.
Emergency funding is also available to repair or replace unsafe or inoperable heating systems for single-family, owner-occupied homes. To qualify, a household’s income cannot exceed 60 percent of the state median income (currently $34,366 for a single person and $66,089 for a household of four). A heating system must be deemed as unsafe or inoperable by a licensed heating vendor to be considered.
Applicants can request an appointment through the community action agency serving their town or city, or can apply at partnering intake sites around the state. To find the nearest application site, people should call 2-1-1 or visit this link.
If you or someone you know might be eligible, please apply and share this information.
As always, please feel free to contact me with any questions, comments or concerns at [email protected] or 860-240-1371.