Community Action Agencies Accepting Energy Assistance Applications

The Connecticut Community Action Agency (CAA) Network began accepting early energy assistance applications for the 2018-2019 heating season Aug. 1, 2018. Connecticut residents struggling to pay their utility bills can apply for home heating assistance at their local CAA. Community … Continue reading

Where we’ve failed Americans with disabilities (opinion) | Ted Kennedy via CNN

Ed note: Connecticut Sen. Ted Kennedy, Jr., (D-Branford), a healthcare lawyer and civil rights activist for people with disabilities, is board chairman of the American Association of People with Disabilities. The views expressed in this commentary are his own. Twenty-seven years ago, the Americans … Continue reading

Tell Congress to enact the Disability Integration Act!

TAKE ACTION! BACKGROUND While in Washington DC, ADAPT is working to secure Senate cosponsors of the Disability Integration Act (S.2427) and secure introduction of a House version. This historic civil rights legislation requires states and insurance providers that pay … Continue reading

TAKE ACTION NOW to assure that ALL people with disabilities can live in freedom!

Call NOW to urge Senator Murphy to support the right of all people with disabilities to live in freedom! Call 1-866-220-0044. Ask for Senator Murphy’s office. Say: “Please cosponsor the Disability Integration Act (S.2427). As someone who has cosponsored previous … Continue reading